In Beginning 05: God’s Image

Bill Serjak

This is a message from pastor and teacher Bill Serjak from the Genesis series “In Beginning”

God’s Image
Genesis 1:26-31

This passage teaches us several things. When the passage refers to God creating man, it says, “Let us make man in our image.” The main emphasis of the Jews is that God is one, but their word for God is plural. It may seem a contradiction, but it is quite true; God is both plural and singular. God being three persons in one person is taught in the Bible from the very beginning. That is not a logical understanding of God but is a mystery. It is not surprising that trying to understand the nature of God could result in a mystery. Later this month, I will teach a C. S. Lewis seminar. I like to include in that teaching the limits of logic in understanding life, let alone its limits in understanding God. Much of what we know is not reasonable and pure reason will not cause you to arrive at a true understanding of the universe. The basic nature of God is one of those things that can’t be understood by logical derivation from what we see; it comes mainly from revelation.

Sermon on the North Slope Trail

Commute DownloadsDevotional WritingsRobert T. Henderson

This message is from author and pastor Robert T. Henderson. Enchanted Community and other book titles from Pastor Henderson are available from


(A Twentieth Century Paraphrase and Interpretation of Matthew 5-7)
(Jesus’ teaching of the kingdom of God is called the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, the sermon on the Plain in Luke, and probably was the subject of his teaching as he walked the roads of Palestine with his disciples until they were imbued with its content. Since my favorite place of fellowship with the Lord is the North Slope Trail of the Pisgah National Forest, I have pictured a group of us walking with Jesus there and being taught again, and in twentieth century setting, the same principles and thrilling overtures. In the course of the conversation and the walk, the imaginary, but not so imagi-nary, and familiar-sounding words from Jesus, Son of the Father…). More