In Beginning 11: The Curse

Bill Serjak

This is a message from pastor and teacher Bill Serjak from the Genesis series “In Beginning”

the Lamb wins!

The Curse
Genesis 3:11-19

When people have their own idea of right and wrong, they may do terrible things but think they are doing what is right. They work to find ways to hide what they have done from God and maybe even from themselves. When God asked Adam, “Where are you?” Adam said that he hid from God because he was naked and afraid. Last week we discussed how today we have become more adept at hiding and using more sophisticated images as our covering. We will do almost anything to keep hiding behind our image and so will people who are doing horrible things. Gangsters try to maintain a family image; many even go to church and have their children baptized. They hide behind an image as all of us are inclined to do. We deal with sin by trying to hide it. No one does that more often than church people. We do what we need to do to maintain our image so others will think we are the good people of the world.

In Beginning 12: The Covering

Bill Serjak

This is a message from pastor and teacher Bill Serjak from the Genesis series “In Beginning”

The Covering
Genesis 3:20-24

God gave Adam and Eve a covering for their bodies. I looked up the word covering in the New Testament and was surprised at how many coverings God has given to men and women. There are many references to God making a covering for our sins in addition to several other coverings. As did Adam and Eve, we try to make coverings but they are always inadequate. Adam and Eve tried to cover themselves with fig leaves but that didn’t work. God had to make an effective covering out of animal skins. It would appear that is the first time in creation that something died. The animals had to be killed to make a covering. Later, God gave another type of covering when animals gave their lives to cover the sin of the Jews. Last week, I spoke of how we try to cover our sins with an image of who we are. Once we knew the law, we tried to build our own righteousness by constructing an image from the law. Images might fool other people, but to God they are only images and bad ones at that. The Bible says that our righteousness is as filthy rags to God. When we try to make our own righteousness as a covering, it is like wearing filthy rags before God. We have to depend on God to make the covering for our sins.

25. The Book, The Law, Freedom, Joy, and Piety

Robert T. Henderson

This message is from author and pastor Robert T. Henderson. Enchanted Community and other book titles from Pastor Henderson are available from

24. Missionaries in the Monday Morning World

Robert T. Henderson

This message is from author and pastor Robert T. Henderson. Enchanted Community and other book titles from Pastor Henderson are available from

23. The Christian Home in the Mission of Christ

Robert T. Henderson

This message is from author and pastor Robert T. Henderson. Enchanted Community and other book titles from Pastor Henderson are available from

39. What Whited Harvest Field

Robert T. Henderson

This message is from author and pastor Robert T. Henderson. Enchanted Community and other book titles from Pastor Henderson are available from

38. Communion: An Unending Christmas Prayer

Robert T. Henderson

This message is from author and pastor Robert T. Henderson. Enchanted Community and other book titles from Pastor Henderson are available from

34. The Bread of Forgiveness

Robert T. Henderson

This message is from author and pastor Robert T. Henderson. Enchanted Community and other book titles from Pastor Henderson are available from

46. When the Church Loses Faith and the Pagans Don’t

Robert T. Henderson

This message is from author and pastor Robert T. Henderson. Enchanted Community and other book titles from Pastor Henderson are available from

45. The Perilous Word of God

Robert T. Henderson

This message is from author and pastor Robert T. Henderson. Enchanted Community and other book titles from Pastor Henderson are available from